win the minute Feb 09, 2022

The other day I was riding down the road (Bob was driving) and I realized I was feeling tense, a bit on edge like I was in a hurry somewhere and was maybe a bit late.  I WASN’T...and that’s my point.  Studies show...We live life rushed.  Our adrenaline is kicking in during everyday activities... So many times we live life rushed.  We rush to wake up....I’m terrible about this.  I own my own business (which brings its own set of stressors lol) but I jump up intense like I have a boss in my den that is going to reprimand me.  We rush to work...we rush to complete projects...we rush lunch....we rush home.... we rush to cook supper... 

You get my drift.  We rush through life and our bodies are showing the stress.  We even RUSH to the gym!  All the hormones that are RUSHING through our bodies are defeating any effort we are making to achieve ideal weight, lower blood sugars and blood pressure and all this rushing robs us of enjoying life!    Look for ways to slow your pace and improve your happiness and PRESENCE in life.   


But today.... take stock.  Are your shoulders tense, do you feel rushed.  Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and envision a carefree time before the RUSH began. Do you want a better way of doing things.... do you want to enjoy your days and regain your health, your joy.... your goal weight?  The first step is wanting a better way.   

Talk to you tomorrow.  



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